The original bike path along the western side of McDonald Road was built as part of the “Safe Bikeway Program” using funds from the Goss Government’s “$150 million jobs plan” back in 1992. NBB Stage 2 will see this path replaced by a high quality separated shared pathway that includes priority pedestrian and cycle crossings at a number of intersections. These crossings operate similarly to pedestrian ‘zebra’ crossings, providing people walking and cycling with priority over vehicles when crossing the street. The crossings will consist of a raised platform and coloured road surface to identify give way areas and the cycle crossing. Ample space has been provided to allow vehicles to stop safely, clear of the crossing.
Watch an animation of the crossings in action:

This will be a vast improvement on the old path where the intersections had acute angles and poor lines of sight which were often blocked by parked cars.

McDonald Road-4


McDonald Road has high volumes of heavy vehicles which are associated with the concrete plants at the southern end of the road and the new path will provide a genuine alternative for cyclists compared to riding on the road.

McDonald Road-3 copy

Stage 2 will link with Stage 1B where it crosses Somerset Street and will continue along McDonald Road to Mawarra Street. A project plan is available on the TMR website: North Brisbane Bikeway Stage 2 and 3: proposed plan (PDF, 132 KB). Construction will commence after the completion of Stage 1B and is not scheduled to be complete until the end of 2018.

5 January 2016

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