The section of the NBB through Bowen Park opposite Royal Brisbane Hospital forms a missing link between the completed Section 1 at Gate 6 of the RNA and O’Connell Terrace. Originally planned to be built along with Section 1 in 2014 this section is now 2 years behind schedule. The exit from the southern end of the park is via a set of steps and this forces cyclists to use the footpath along the edge of the very busy Bowen Bridge Road. To make things worse the old bus shelters on the footpath make this even more hazardous.

The steps at the southern end of Bowen Park.

“Heritage” bus shelters on Bowen Bridge Road.

The problem is caused by the heritage status of Bowen Park. Plans created for the bike path through Bowen Park by TMR were submitted for approval by the Heritage Council in December 2013. The Heritage Council recommended that the work should be carried out subject to conditions. However, despite this construction did not go ahead and a revised plan has now gone to tender 2 years later.

The scaled back path uses the line of the eastern most path through the park, rather than the double track path originally planned. A ramp will deliver the path from Gate 6 into the park at a point between the steps and the RNA boundary, avoiding the large Hoop Pine beside the steps.

Looking north along the existing path. The bike path will follow the line of this path.

Construction is expected to commence in late 2015 or early 2016. The November 2015 version of the TMR project page says completions is expected in mid/late 2016.

On 7 March 2016 TMR announced that construction of Stage 1A-Section 2 would commence in mid March 2016 and be completed by May 2016. The construction includes:

  • A new connection at Gate 6 of the RNA showgrounds to the Stage 1A-1 bikeway
  • A 23 metre long elevated structure connecting to the existing path through the park
  • A new bikeway connection at O’Connell Terrace at the northern end of the park.

During construction cyclists will still be able to us the footpath along Bowen Bridge Road to access O’Connell Terrace.




Last Updated: 07 April 2016

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