This short section of path was built in 2001 for evacuation/emergency services access to the RNA tunnel when the Inner City Bypass was built. Unlike a lot of the other paths built at this time it is not marked in any of the Brisbane Street directories as a bike path. In Google Maps it is marked as part of the NBB.

The entrance to the path is right alongside the Inner City Bypass where the tunnel exits on the northern side of O’Connell Terrace. It dips down sharply with a very steep gradient after the access point to the Inner City Bypass. At the bottom of the slope the path angles to the left, which is away from the direction of travel to reach the crossing point for Campbell Street. To make things worse there is a large telegraph pole blocking the pavement as you turn into Campbell Street.

There is a $400k project in the list of BCC Better Bikeways 4 Brisbane 2015 review, which mentions the existing off-road bike path north of O’Connell Terrace. However, there is no description of the work to be undertaken. It would certainly be a great improvement if the lower section of the path was directed towards the crossing in Campbell Street and avoided the telegraph pole.


Last Updated: 03 December 2015

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