Roma Street Gardens To Gilchrist Avenue

From the Roma Street Parklands the North Brisbane Bikeway heads up a ramp along a shared path from the corner of Parkland Boulevard and Parkland Crescent towards College Road. This section was built in 2007 and connects to the original path along the railway via an underpass beneath College Road. The shared path is built to a high standard and is fully lit.

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The original path which is referred to as the Grammar Path is much narrower and runs between the railway line and the grounds of Brisbane Grammar and Brisbane Girls Grammar. The path is unlit despite repeated requests to Brisbane City Council.

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The path then runs along the edge of Victoria Park before crossing the railway line and the Inner City Bypass via the Green Bridge. Intersections with other paths, tight corners and the placement of a stone sculpture create blind spots and a collision risk at the south eastern end of the Green Bridge.

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The north western end is no better with a sharp left turn before descending the ramp towards Yorks Hollow to a very tight T-junction at the bottom where the path intersects with the path coming from Gilchrist Avenue.

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A little further along towards Gilchrist Avenue the path divides with the left branch heading along the Golf Course Path which eventually joins the Enoggera Creek Bikepath heading out to Stafford. The right branch joins on to Gilchrist Avenue which is now a cul-de-sac and mostly used by people who work at the hospital for parking their cars. When heading north the road is an easier ride than the Golf Course Path and meets up with the “Ekka Ride” just short of the Northern Busway.

The section from Yorks Hollow to the CBD takes the combined cycle traffic of the North Brisbane Bikeway and the Enoggera Creek Bikeway as well as riders coming from the Kedron Brook Bikeway via Kedron Brook Road through Wilston. While the whole of this section is comprised of off road bike paths the standard is very poor with unlit sections making it dangerous in the dark, narrow with sharp corners and a number of blind corners. Considering the volume of riders it needs a thorough makeover.

Last Updated: 12 February 2016

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