This project involved installing off-road Bicycle Awareness Zones (BAZ) from the Diggers Drive cul-de-sac to the Kalinga Park picnic area and replacing existing speed bumps on Diggers Drive with larger speed bumps. This project also consisted of making the old bikeway a pedestrian only pathway with no bicycle signage installed along the length of the pathway along with a few new on road connections.

While the project has made cycling safer and more attractive for cyclists and pedestrians traveling along this section the Brisbane North BUG would still like to see lighting installed along Diggers Drive along with the current “Banana bars” installed under the railway underpass and to the bikeway entrance next to the carpark removed or replaced with cycling friendly bollards.

Project PlanDiggersDrivePedestrianBikewayUpgradeS01-Web

Last Updated: 25 June 2016

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