While it’s good to see the new bike lanes and no standing zones approaching this intersection we (Brisbane North Bicycle Users Group) currently hold some concerns over the designs along Roghan Road for cyclists safety. As part of the new Gateway North Upgrade works the current on ramp located on Sandgate Road is going to be permanently closed to motor vehicle traffic at Boondall. Already we have seen with the recently new Norris Road/Roghan Road extension through Fitzgibbon traffic already increase along with rat running and speeding along Roghan Road in various parts.

It was planned (When the UDLA for Fitzgibbon Chase was managed by the Queensland Government before it was given to local councils as a State Government cost cutting measure under Campbell Newman) that the speed limits would be reduced through Fitzgibbon to prevent rat running and increase the walk-ability and live-ability of the area but so far we haven’t seen this. With new town houses currently being built (as of 2016-01-14) just east of the Roghan Road and Church Road intersection this is going to put even more motor vehicle traffic onto Roghan Road (currently this area is a public transport black hole with a few peak hour direction only services and a couple hourly bus services) with very minimal safety for cyclists traveling east-west. This is no more evident in the plans when heading westbound approaching Tonga Street the west bound bike lane and no stopping markings simply vanish a couple houses after the intersection. There is no reason given the width of the road and the width of the usable shoulder/nature strip on the northern side of Roghan Road that the bike lane and no stopping lines can’t be extended until after Tonga Street.

It’s also concerning that there are no planned bike lanes heading east to connect to the Sandgate Road bike lanes with the first stages of a bike lane appearing approaching the Roghan Road and Muller Road intersection.

Information from the BCC Project page:

“Brisbane City Council is planning to signalise the intersection of Roghan Road and Muller Road at Taigum to improve access and safety for pedestrians and motorists travelling through the intersection.

The intersection is an important junction for local residents, providing access to Sandgate Road, Handford Road, Beams Road and nearby local shopping centres, with Muller Road carrying approximately 6000 vehicles daily and Roghan Road carrying approximately 10,000 vehicles daily.

This upgrade will involve:

  • installing new traffic signals
  • installing right-turn pockets on Roghan and Muller roads
  • installing signalised pedestrian crossings
  • removing some informal parking
  • removing some street trees
  • formalising the right turn into Tonga Street.

The Roghan Road and Muller Road intersection upgrade is part of Council’s $49 million commitment in 2015-16 for suburban road and intersection upgrade projects as part of our drive to keep Brisbane moving and is jointly funded by the Queensland Government under the Transport Infrastructure Development Scheme”.

For more information please view the latest BCC newsletter on the project (Current as of 2016-01-14).

To view the full resolution plan please click the plan below (6mb).




Last Updated: 13 August 2016

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