Information from the BCC Project page:

“Brisbane City Council and the Australian Government have agreed to jointly fund stage 1B of the Telegraph Road Corridor Upgrade project, from Norris Road to Mustang Street in Bracken Ridge. The upgrade is expected to start in late 2016, weather permitting. The project will improve safety, travel times and road flood immunity, reduce congestion and help cater for existing and future traffic demands in the area. The project forms part of Council’s 2014/15 to 2018/19 Roads to Recovery program and is also identified in Council’s Transport Plan for Brisbane 2008-2026. Construction is scheduled to start late 2016 and it is expected to be completed late 2017, weather and construction conditions permitting. Project Features Include:

  • widening of Telegraph Road (to the southern side) from two lanes to four lanes with a centre median, from Norris Road to east of Mustang Street
  • constructing a swale drain in the centre median
  • reforming the drainage channel on the southern side of Telegraph Road from the Bill Brown Sports Reserve to Mustang Street
  • signalising the intersection of Telegraph Road and Mustang Street
  • providing a U-turn facility 400 metres from the Telegraph Road and Norris Road intersection
  • providing a U-turn facility at the intersection of Telegraph Road and Mustang Street, travelling eastbound
  • providing a shared pedestrian/cyclist footpath on the southern side of Telegraph Road
  • providing on-road cycle lanes both sides of Telegraph Road
  • improving drainage and flood immunity for Telegraph Road
  • preserving the road corridor for future widening of Telegraph Road to six lanes”.

For more information please view the latest BCC newsletter on the project (Current as of 2016-01-14).

To view the full resolution plan please click the plan below (8mb).


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