Due to how little information about these projects are known we have provided the same information provided by the Department of Transport and Main Roads. We have only included the cycling parts of these projects but to view the full list please visit the Department of Transport and Main Roads project webpage – http://www.tmr.qld.gov.au/Projects/Name/W/Western-Brisbane-Transport-Network-Strategy/Western-Brisbane-Transport-Network-Strategy-projects.aspx

Project Overview Map

Project 04: Kedron to Aspley Northern Busway Staged Upgrade + Northern Veloway Section 2

This project would extend the Northern Busway, currently committed to Kedron, along Gympie Road to Aspley. Initially, bus lanes could be constructed from the end of the busway at Kedron within the Gympie Road corridor and then be progressively upgraded to busway standard.

The Northern Veloway (Section 2) would provide a high-quality cycleway that would link the northern suburbs via a direct route along Gympie Road from Aspley to the Kedron Brook cycleway. When combined with the Northern Veloway (Section 1), this project would provide a high-quality cycleway through to the central business district.

How does it fit into the network strategy?

This project would:

  • increase public transport capacity along Gympie Road and significantly reduce car dependency with increased frequency and reliability of bus services
  • support transit oriented development at key activity centres and urban regeneration along Gympie Road
  • in conjunction with the Northern Veloway (Section 1), form part of a high-quality, direct cycle route from the northern suburbs through to the central business district
  • connect with the Stafford Road Veloway
  • create a major north-south cycle route
  • cater for all levels of cyclists providing a safe and high-capacity facility for future growth in demand.

The project would be closely linked to a future North West Motorway and Stafford Road Tunnel.

The latter two projects would reduce traffic along Gympie Road, providing the opportunity to construct the Northern Busway largely within the existing road corridor. This would result in much cheaper busway construction and less impact on the local community.

Project 5: Kedron to Central Business District Northern Veloway – Section 1

The Northern Veloway (Section 1) is a high-quality cycleway providing a direct and continuous route from the Kedron Brook cycleway through to the central business district. The Northern Veloway (Section 2) then extends to the northern suburbs via Gympie Road (refer Project 4: Kedron to Aspley).

How does it fit into the network strategy?

The Northern Veloway (Section 1):

  • in conjunction with the Northern Veloway (Section 2), would form a major north-south cycle route from the northern suburbs to the central business district
  • could connect with the Stafford Road Veloway (refer Project 8: Everton Park to Kedron) and Albert Street Garden Axis Veloway (refer Project 15: Brisbane central business district)
  • would link the northern suburbs and Bowen Hills with the Victoria Park bikeway through to Roma Street and the central business district
  • would cater for all levels of cyclists providing a safe and high-capacity facility for future growth in demand.

Project 8: Everton Park to Kedron Stafford Road transit lanes + Stafford Road Veloway

This project involves the provision of transit lanes on Stafford Road between Everton Park and Kedron. It would also include the Stafford Road Veloway, which would be a high quality cycleway that would provide a direct east-west route along Stafford Road, between Everton Park and Kedron.

How does it fit into the network strategy?

This project would:

  • provide increased east-west public transport capacity connecting the north-western suburbs with the Australia TradeCoast
  • interconnects with the Northern Busway at Kedron (refer Project 1: Herston to Kedron) providing greater accessibility to destinations without going through the central business district and linking to services that go to the central business district
  • reduce demand for car travel on Stafford Road
  • provide a more direct east-west route for cyclists than the existing Kedron Brook cycleway
  • connect with the Northern Veloway (refer Project 4: Kedron to Aspley and Project 5: Kedron to central business district) and North Western Veloway (refer Project 11: North West Transport Corridor)
  • cater for all levels of cyclists providing a safe and high-capacity facility for future growth in demand.

This project would be linked to the proposed Stafford Road tunnel (refer Project 18: Everton Park to Kedron), which would provide greater opportunities for public transport, walking, cycling and urban regeneration by freeing up existing road space.

Project 9: Kelvin Grove to Ashgrove Musgrave/Waterworks Road bus lanes + The Gap access Veloway

This project would provide a high-quality bus priority route along Waterworks Road and Musgrave Road from the existing transit lanes to the Inner Northern Busway and through to the central business district.

It would also include The Gap Access Veloway, a high-quality cycleway providing a direct connection along Musgrave Road and Waterworks Road linking the western suburbs with the central business district via the Albert Street Garden Axis Veloway (refer Project 15: Brisbane central business district).

How does it fit into the network strategy?

This project would:

  • provide a reliable public transport route to the central business district from The Gap, Ashgrove and other surrounding inner western suburbs
  • reduce demand for car travel along Musgrave Road and Waterworks Road
  • provide a direct dedicated link for commuters to the central business district
  • connect with the North Western Veloway (refer Project 10: Kelvin Grove to Everton Park) and Western Ring Veloway (refer Project 14: Toowong to Everton Park)
  • cater for all levels of cyclists providing a safe and high-capacity facility for future growth in demand.

Project 10: Kelvin Grove to Everton Park Kelvin Grove/Enoggera Road bus lanes + North Western Veloway – Section 1

This project would involve the provision of a high-quality bus priority route along Kelvin Grove Road and Enoggera Road from Everton Park to the Inner Northern Busway and through to the central business district.

The North Western Veloway (Section 1) would be a high-quality cycleway providing a direct and continuous route linking Everton Park to Kelvin Grove and the Kedron Brook cycleway.

The North Western Veloway (Section 2) would link to the outer north-western suburbs along the preserved North West Transport Corridor to Carseldine (refer Project 11: North West Transport Corridor).

How does it fit into the network strategy?

This project would:

  • provide a reliable public transport link connecting the north-western suburbs through to the central business district
  • complement the Ferny Grove rail line by providing additional public transport capacity in the inner north-western suburbs
  • connect bus services with the north-west bus lanes (refer Project 11: North West Transport Corridor) and bus priority along Stafford Road (refer Project 8: Everton Park to Kedron)
  • reduce car travel demand on Kelvin Grove Road and Enoggera Road
  • form a dedicated cycle route from the outer north-western suburbs to the inner suburbs and through to the central business district via connections with the Western Veloway (refer Project 2: Kenmore to central business district) and Albert Street Garden Axis Veloway (refer Project 15: Brisbane central business district)
  • link to Kedron Brook cycleway and provide direct connectivity with Victoria Park bikeway and the Royal Brisbane Hospital
  • cater for all user groups providing a safe and high-capacity facility for future growth in demand.

Project 11: North West Transport Corridor (part of a future North South Motorway) North West Motorway + North West bus lanes + North Western Veloway – Section 2

This multi-modal project would utilise the North West Transport Corridor, a corridor preserved for transport purposes since the early 1980s. It runs from South Pine Road and Shand Street at Everton Park and continues north across Stafford Road joining Gympie Road at Carseldine.

A proposed North West Motorway would run along the preserved North West Transport Corridor connecting into the Stafford Road Tunnel (Project 8: Everton Park to Kedron) and Inner Orbital tunnel (Project 13: Toowong to Everton Park). It would form the northern section of a future North South Motorway, which would link the Ipswich Motorway at Darra to Gympie Arterial Road and the Bruce Highway.

A proposed North West Motorway would allow greater public transport and active transport opportunities by providing bus priority (North West bus lanes) and a high quality cycleway (North Western Veloway – Section 2) along the corridor. In combination with the North Western Veloway (Section 1) this project would provide a direct cycleway from Carseldine to the central business district (refer Project 10: Kelvin Grove to Everton Park).

How does it fit into the network strategy?

Catering for cars, bus, walking, cycling and freight, this multi-modal project would:

  • form part of a future North South Motorway in conjunction with the proposed Inner Orbital tunnel (refer Project 13: Toowong to Everton Park) and upgraded Centenary Motorway (refer Project 17: Darra to Toowong)
  • reduce traffic volumes on Gympie Road and allow the construction of the Northern Busway within the existing road corridor (refer Project 4: Kedron to Aspley) with less impact and lower cost
  • function as an alternative transport link between the Bruce Highway and Stafford Road with the opportunity to link to the Australia TradeCoast via the Stafford Road tunnel (refer Project 18: Everton Park to Kedron) providing an alternative to the Gateway Motorway
  • provide relief to local arterial roads such as Old Northern Road and Webster Road
  • connect to the bus lanes on Kelvin Grove Road and Enoggera Road (refer Project 10: Kelvin Grove to Everton Park) and provide a reliable high quality bus facility from the outer north-western suburbs through to the central business district
  • connect with the Stafford Road bus priority lanes (refer Project 8: Everton Park to Kedron)
  • promote transit oriented development at key activity centres
  • connect with the Kedron Brook cycleway and Stafford Road Veloway (refer Project 8: Everton Park to Kedron) creating a connected and continuous cycle network
  • cater for all levels of cyclists providing a safe and high capacity facility for future growth in demand.

Further information

North West Transport Corridor statistics:

  • identified in 1960s
  • preserved in early 1980s
  • length: 9km
  • width: minimum of about 60m (wider in sections).

For more information on preserved transport corridors, including maps and corridor history, go to the Preserved Transport Corridor web page.

Project 14: Toowong to Everton Park Western Ring Veloway

The Western Ring Veloway would be a high-quality cycleway providing a major direct north-south route between Toowong and Everton Park.

How does it fit into the network strategy?

The Western Ring Veloway would:

  • form an orbital cycle link connecting the Western Veloway (refer Project 2: Kenmore to central business district), Stafford Road Veloway (refer Project 8: Everton Park to Kedron) and Gap Access Veloway (refer Project 9: Kelvin Grove to Ashgrove).
  • cater for all levels of cyclists providing a safe and high-capacity facility for future growth in demand.

Project 15: Brisbane Central Business District Albert Street Garden Axis Veloway

The Albert Street Garden Axis Veloway would be a high-quality cycleway providing a major connection from the Victoria Park bikeway to the Goodwill Bridge via the Roma Street Parklands, King George Square, Albert Street and the Botanical Gardens.

How does it fit into the network strategy?

The Albert Street Garden Axis Veloway would:

  • provide a safe and direct cycle route through the central business district
  • provide a connection to key attractors such as the King George Cycle Centre, central business district and QUT Gardens Point Campus as an anchor for cycling in the central business district
  • connect with the Western Veloway (refer Project 2: Kenmore to central business district), Gap Access Veloway (refer Project 9: Kelvin Grove to Ashgrove) and North Western Veloway (refer Project 10: Kelvin Grove to Everton Park)
  • connect education, employment, shopping, public transport, health and recreation precincts.

Last Updated: 17 February 2016

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