Shaw Road Sports Precinct

Shaw Road Sports Precinct

The first time that the Brisbane North BUG heard about this project was a Facebook post by Brisbane City Councillor Adam Allan which can be seen here.

At the start of May members of North BUG and Airport BUG met with the Brisbane City Council project team who are planning traffic lights and turning lanes at the sports precinct driveway on Shaw Road to give feedback on the proposals. The project will provide a safe crossing point for pedestrians and cyclists travel ling east-west on the Kedron Brook Bikeway who need to cross Shaw Road. Unfortunately, there will be a loss of cycling infrastructure on Shaw Road that will severely affect the safety of cyclists travelling north-south on Shaw Road. While we are very happy to see the creation of a signalised crossing of Shaw Road for Kedron Brook Bikeway users, we are alarmed at the impact on north-south users resulting from the new turning lanes for motor vehicles.

The intersection changes add a left-turn lane into the sports precinct for northbound motor vehicle traffic and a right-turn lane for southbound traffic. This will make Shaw Road effectively a four-lane highway at the intersection. To make room for these extra lanes the on-road bike lanes on Shaw Road will be removed, putting cyclists travelling north-south on Shaw Road at greater risk. The crossing of the entrance to the sports precinct will be signalised and pedestrians and cyclists on the bike path who currently have priority over cars and trucks entering and leaving the sports precinct will have to press a crossing button and wait for a green light. This will happen even at times the sports precinct access is little used.

We have strongly objected about this loss of cycling facility and made it known to the project team that the bike lanes on Shaw Road should be retained and that a priority crossing for pedestrians and cyclists on the north-south path should be established. The project team gave multiple reasons as to why these changes could not be made.

The project page on the BCC website is here:

We suggest that as many cyclists as possible should contact the project team to voice their concerns about the loss of bike lanes on Shaw Road and to demand a priority north-south crossing of the sports precinct entrance. The project team can be contacted by phone on 1800 884 681 or by email at

The following information below is quoted from the Brisbane City Council on 08/05/2017 and this is what they have to say about the planned upgrade. Its interesting that the only information about this project can be found under the road upgrades section despite the impact that it has on Brisbane’s northern cycling and pedestrian network.

Shaw Road caters to a high volume of vehicle, cyclist and pedestrian traffic and provides an important connection to the sports precinct and Kedron Brook Bikeway, one of Brisbane’s busiest bikeways. There is currently a pedestrian and cyclist island refuge on Shaw Road, however safe crossing opportunities are limited during peak traffic periods.

The intersection upgrade works will involve:

  • signalising the intersection at the Shaw Road sports precinct access road and providing dedicated pedestrian and cyclist crossing facilities
  • widening Shaw Road to the west at the intersection to accommodate a new traffic lane
  • providing an additional through lane on Shaw Road in both directions, during peak periods
  • relocating the southbound bus zone to the south of the sports precinct entrance
  • relocating the northbound bus zone to the north of the sports precinct entrance
  • providing separated right and left turn lanes exiting the sports precinct
  • upgrading shared pathway connections on both sides of Shaw Road.

During afternoon traffic peaks, through traffic is currently blocked by vehicles queuing to turn right into the sports precinct and by buses occupying the adjacent bus zone. The project will relocate the bus bay and amend parking conditions to allow for the provision of an additional through lane in each direction during peak periods. To allow for the upgrade, some localised parking will be removed and parking restrictions will apply on weekdays.

While every effort has been made to minimise the impact on vegetation, the upgrade will require the removal of seven trees, including one jacaranda and six paper bark (Melaleuca Bracteata) trees. Offset planting will be undertaken in line with Council’s environment guidelines.

Council is committing $1.3 billion on 90 road improvement projects from 2016-20 to tackle congestion in Brisbane, by focusing on a range of solutions to improve the existing road network.

Construction is anticipated to start in late May 2017 and be completed by late 2017. Council is committed to keeping local residents informed and will provide further details, including the timing of works prior to the start of construction.

If you would like to find out more about the Shaw Road sports precinct access road intersection upgrade project, you can:

  • phone the project team on 1800 884 681 during business hours
  • phone Council on 07 3403 8888 after hours
  • email the project team
  • write to:
    Shaw Road sports precinct access road intersection upgrade project
    City Projects Office
    Brisbane City Council
    GPO Box 1434
    Brisbane Qld 4001
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